Monday, 17 June 2013

Big feet - a guest blog from Fergus

Well dear readers. We have a Liger called Larry with four left feet! I refer to the opening of the The Dangerous Day!

I had a racehorse who had lots of stamina but four left feet! His coordination was all over the place! He would win a Novice Hurdle by a remarkably long margin (called a Distance in horsey talk) but he would belt the tops of the hurdles and when it came to fences - well he was never going to win the Grand National - he could not jump for toffee cakes.

Aunt Judith now has six dogs. You remember Aunt Judith from the Anastasia adventures. Judith has always had dogs but usually one at a time although we bred two litters of Jack Russell pups about 25 years ago. We had a large Golden Labrador over forty years ago. We then had Jack Russells and a crossbred Rotweiller and Doberman who turned out to be the best dog we ever had.

More recently Aunt Judith has acquired six large dogs which are three Rotweillers and three Dobermans. All six are boys!

The three Dobermans are littermates but ... they are not like other Dobermans as they are Chocolate in colour! Yes Chocolate not Black and Tan.

No I am not having you on and you will ask yourselves what all this has to do with Larry the Liger?

I will tell you. When all six dogs were young pups I would look at their extremely big feet and I knew we were going to have big dogs!

When I am off to the horse sales with Aunt Judith in Fairyhouse, Newmarket, France or Doncaster shopping for young horses I look at the size of their feet! If they are too big they will never make a racehorse but will grow into a very large Hunter or Eventer. Perhaps a show jumper.

Our Zookeeper should have looked at the size of the Liger Cub's feet! He would have had some idea of how big Larry was going to grow!

 Liger Cubs grow into very large animals. That is larger than a Lion and larger than a Tiger!

They are real big boys!
Larry the Liger - the Dangerous Day now available to download from Amazon

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