Sunday, 15 July 2012

A great review and great reaction!

"I read this on the Internet and was greatly impressed!
What an outstanding find Rachael Phillips is!" Fergus Wilson

Review: Anastasia and the Horses of Boughton Lodge

5 of 5 STARS

I recently had promotional free days through Amazon’s KDP Select program, and while tweeting to spread the word about my own books, I made the acquaintance of a very lovely author of children’s literature, Rachael Phillips. I have an interest in this field with ideas in the works, but Ms. Phillips’ series is geared toward a completely different group and written in a way that had never occurred to me. It was interesting enough to get this (ahem) middle-aged woman to take a look, so I downloaded them and was pleasantly surprised.

Although I have not seen the demographic for these books in more than thirty years, I was transported right back to the days when I used to play at being a horse in the schoolyard. It is a well crafted series that should appeal to ANY preteen girl, and Anastasia is the perfect heroine for females in this age bracket. She is smart and intrepid and loves animals of all kinds. She is unwitting royalty, which just adds to the attraction (What little girl has never pretended to be a princess in disguise?) and is on the case without delay in every situation. I like the fact that the immediate mysteries of each instalment are wrapped up, but the ongoing puzzle of who she is and why she needs to be protected keeps the reader interested. The writing is not dumbed down at all, which I heartily appreciate and would have benefited from when I was a girl. And there is even quite a bit of history thrown in. Unfortunately I do not have a young girl with which to share this lovely series, but I would recommend it to all of you who do.

Find out more about Rachael Phillips and all of her books at:

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