Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The American Royal Family - a response from Fergus

Elizabeth from Pennsylvania asks how I know so much about the Royal Family and have I ever met any?  Oscar Wilde would call it the knowledge of a lifetime.  Yes I have met some members of the Royal Family.

She goes on to say that she has read and reread the stories and they improve each time.  It makes her cry a lot with both joy and sadness.  She is joyful over the rescues but so sad about the terminal nature of Anastasia's illness.

You are absolutely correct Elizabeth.

I think we are all so very saddened by all Anastasia has done to enhance the lives of other and now she faces the end so bravely.

You ask about German Americans and whether the children were taught in German.  In those days German was the first tongue as the parents spoke German language at home. It is no surprise that John Windsor would speak German as a young boy.

He was born in America, the son of an English King, out of wedlock.  It meant a lot then but little in 2012.

The America Government were being very secretive after the war with all the German Scientists they were bringing to Kansas to prevent them from falling into Russian hands.  Perhaps no surprise that the existence of John Windsor was kept quiet.

Perhaps it is time to ask your Senator to establish the true facts about the American Royal Family.


Monday, 30 July 2012

Fergus writes... about a recent review

Dear Rachael,

As the reviewer mentions she is thinking of her great-niece.  It rather dates her but I am sure she is very well intended.

Contains 8 very short stories.  Stilted writing and very repetitive.  Many inaccuracies (such as a 12hh Shetland pony) The average size of a Shetland pony is 11.2 hands.  That is 11 hands and two fingers.  There being four inches to a hand or 100mm.  To have a 11.2 average there must be above and below average in the sample and to have a 12hh Black Shetland Pony is not unusual.  Indeed I owned one for many years.  Contradictions, unbelievable scenarios such as a 9year old riding a 17hh horse who is deemed "the perfect size for a riding horse".  The perfect size or does she mean temperament.  A 17hh is not perfect for myself as I need a little larger.  and poor advice on how to ride horses.  I check all books before giving them to my great-niece, and at 8 years old she would find these an intelligence.  I am afraid most child readers are stuck in a tower block in an inner city and have not had the opportunity to ride a horse.  We must think of them and I hope our Great Aunt agrees.  Allow those young girls their dream please Great Aunt.

I have noticed that there are about 30 of these 'books' (episodes?) and find it strange that they have all been written, or published, within the space of 3 months - in fact some have even been published/written on the same day!  The fact that they are published the same day does not mean they are written the same day.  Furthermore, Fergus Wilson seems to have co-written these with 4 different people.  A scam?  I don't know but they are all apparently part of the 'Anastasia Series' but each co-writer has altered some of the details - such as changing Anastasia's eye colour, friends, aunts, horses and one even said she hated horses!  Can anyone explain this please?
There were a range of authors initally with the same brief, and some deviated from that brief so much that their books were no longer published.  I can find some things about the 4 co-writers, but all I get when I google Fergus Wilson is something to do with him being the biggest buy-to-let investor in the UK! (Absolutely true!)  Incidentally, Rachael Phillips comments on her Amazon page that she has "recently published, as co-author, Series I and II, aimed at 9-12 year olds, of ebooks all about Anastasia and her adventures with the horses of Boughton Lodge.  Not to be mistaken with any other Anastasia books mind you!"  (Whatever do you mean?)  Sour grapes at not making money from ALL the 30+ books and having to share the profits?  I wonder...! At 2 quid per 8 pages - quite a money spinner.

Negative review I know (indeed), but originally I was delighted to have found another pony series (I was brought up on such authors as Pat Smythe, the Pullen-Thompson sisters, Ruby Ferguson, Elaine Mitchell, Gillan Baxter to name but a few), but I was really disappointed with these offerings - my niece, I'm afraid, will just have to make do with re-reading some of my old pony books stored in the loft, as I would not even consider giving these to her!  Please don't waste your money on these and only download freebies so you can judge for yourself - I'm glad I did, at £7+ this is certainly NOT worth the money & at £2+ for each of the stories separately is poor value (literally) for 15odd (sometimes only 8) pages of rubbish.

I am afraid I have never heard of any of the authors our reviewer mentions.  Our reviewer needs to understand the need to improve literacy levels in our society and I can tell you from experience that little girls like to read, write, draw and dream about horses.  Unfortunately, for the vast majority it will never be more than a dream - do not take their dreams away dear Great Aunt.


Thursday, 26 July 2012

The Olympics 2012

The Olympics - they have come around so quickly.  I remember when we heard we would be hosting the 2012 Olympics; it was 6th July 2005, the day before the London bombings happened on 7th July.  It was a sad day following a day of jubilation and my thoughts are with those that lost their lives that day... I was working for Transport for London at the time and I am kind of grateful I don't work there now with the impending hoards of people coming to watch the Olympics! 

So here we are on the eve of the London Olympics!  In honour of such a wonderful event I have decided to run a new, free, ebook promotion.  The previous ones have been so successful that it seems a fitting way to mark the beginning of the Olympics and Anastasia wants to join in the fun.  

So from 27th July until 31st July you can download for £0, $0, absolutely free, the following Anastasia short stories:

Anastasia and the Imperial Egg Hunt (Anastasia Series II)
Anastasia Romanov - Private Detective (Anastasia Series III)
Anastasia and the Three Wise Men (Anastasia Series III)
Also available for other countries .com .de .es .it .fr etc.

Anastasia and the Imperial Egg Hunt is all about Anastasia trying to track down missing Imperial Fabergé Eggs - can she bring home the gold?
Anastasia Romanov - Private Detective finds Anastasia going undercover once more to save two, kidnapped children.  Very exciting second story from Anastasia Series III.
Anastasia and the Three Wise Men is the third story from Anastasia Series III where we realise just how famous she has become when her services are needed by three very high profile men.  Another action packed Series III story for teens upwards. 

I hope you enjoy these stories and what's not to love?  They're FREEEEEEEE!

Free Kindle reader available in the Kindle Store for those without a Kindle.

Happy reading and if you enjoy the stories please leave a review.  Spread the word so others who have yet to read about Anastasia's adventures get the chance.  Come on Great Britain and good luck to everyone else taking part :)

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

The show must go on...

I haven't posted a blog for a few days as my family received some bad news that my Dad is very ill.  It's an emotional and difficult time but I have come to realise that I need to keep writing because my Dad would want this and it's because of him that I work so hard.  He taught us all well and made us believe we can achieve anything.  Thank you Dad.

'Anastasia - None But the Brave' is now on Amazon.  This is the fourth story in Series III with a now teenage Anastasia fighting crimes with her team as a Private Detective.  She has been learning about the American Royal Family and she learns more in this book.  There is another shock discovery too about Anastasia's heritage that brings her and her team closer together.

We find the young heroine struggling with her haemophilia however she will not let this stop her bringing some of the worst criminals to account.  Her show must go on too.  She has a great team behind her and her team gets even bigger so she is fully equipped to get rid of those who set out to harm vulnerable and defenceless people.

The Three Wise Men need her help and she will not let them down - Anastasia and her team face their biggest mission to date but will new revelations distract her from her duties? 

I hope you enjoy this story - it was emotional to research as some of the issues dealt with in this story are based on awful, actual events.

Anastasia's journey has truly begun...

Anastasia - None But the Brave available to download from Amazon
UK www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B008O64YBS
US www.amazon.com/dp/B008O64YBS  
Germany www.amazon.de/dp/B008O64YBS     
Spain www.amazon.es/dp/B008O64YBS     
France www.amazon.fr/dp/B008O64YBS      
Italy www.amazon.it/dp/B008O64YBS      


Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Fergus Wilson writes...

Fergus Wilson writes:

"Rachael Phillips is a truly remarkable wordsmith.  Her stories are so realistic and I think very often emotional dealing with the terrible worldwide problems we now experience of baby trafficking, forced marriages and white slavery.

Anastasia leads the worldwide fight to raise awareness of these problems faced by the world.  Baby smuggling is rife in Spain and Portugal but we must not forget the trafficking of young girls to be married against their will in the format of arranged marriages.

Through the pen of Rachael Phillips, Anastasia leads the campaign to end this global business.  I feel it is time to stand up and be counted.  I will be the first.  Please email your name and city where you are from to the following email address if you wish to join in Anastasia's cause preceded by the phrase 'YOU CAN COUNT ON ME' Anastasia2012@btinternet.com

Names so far:

YOU CAN COUNT ON ME - Fergus Wilson, Kent
YOU CAN COUNT ON ME - Joanne Rogers, Baltimore

Many thanks

Fergus Wilson"


Monday, 16 July 2012

An emotional journey: Anastasia None But the Brave

I have finished story 24, the fourth in Series III, 'Anastasia None But the Brave'.  It was very emotional to research because of the issues the teenage Private Detective is now dealing with and she gets really mad in this story.  Not sure if my sleep deprivation is having an impact on her behaviour! 

This story finds Anastasia suffering badly with her haemophilia once more, however she can't sit back and let some of the most terrible crimes happen again.  This teenager will not stand for the most vulnerable in our societies being abused, mistreated, trafficked, murdered or treated in any way that they don't deserve.  As for those that commit such atrocities against vulnerable people, well let's say they really didn't plan on coming under Anastasia's radar.

The research side of writing can often bring with it fantastic discoveries and new, often deepened, knowledge of historical events.  It is often a joy to learn more about so many different things.  In this story however my research led me down some paths that I would rather not have found but to understand the facts allows the character, Anastasia, to really feel the emotion that I felt when I read about some of the things that are happening in our world.

The internet is the most fantastic tool when researching for a book but it does mean that even the most gruesome details of horrific crimes against vulnerable people in our societies are freely available.  Some information is deeply disturbing to read. 

During my research and writing of Anastasia None But the Brave I began to wish that Anastasia really could come and eradicate the most heinous of crimes that mar our world.  This teenager really will not stand for such crimes and everywhere she goes now people know who she is. 

Think Superman crossed with Charles Bronson but much more attractive and well dressed.  With the emotional crimes she deals with comes the emotional discoveries she makes about her own past and her future.  This teenager is called to help the most famous men in the world such is her reputation now!

Finally a heroine that is both beautiful and capable.  This teenager takes no prisoners.  Watch out world her journey has truly begun...

Anastasia - None But the Brave coming soon to Amazon.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

A great review and great reaction!

"I read this on the Internet and was greatly impressed!
What an outstanding find Rachael Phillips is!" Fergus Wilson

Review: Anastasia and the Horses of Boughton Lodge

5 of 5 STARS

I recently had promotional free days through Amazon’s KDP Select program, and while tweeting to spread the word about my own books, I made the acquaintance of a very lovely author of children’s literature, Rachael Phillips. I have an interest in this field with ideas in the works, but Ms. Phillips’ series is geared toward a completely different group and written in a way that had never occurred to me. It was interesting enough to get this (ahem) middle-aged woman to take a look, so I downloaded them and was pleasantly surprised.

Although I have not seen the demographic for these books in more than thirty years, I was transported right back to the days when I used to play at being a horse in the schoolyard. It is a well crafted series that should appeal to ANY preteen girl, and Anastasia is the perfect heroine for females in this age bracket. She is smart and intrepid and loves animals of all kinds. She is unwitting royalty, which just adds to the attraction (What little girl has never pretended to be a princess in disguise?) and is on the case without delay in every situation. I like the fact that the immediate mysteries of each instalment are wrapped up, but the ongoing puzzle of who she is and why she needs to be protected keeps the reader interested. The writing is not dumbed down at all, which I heartily appreciate and would have benefited from when I was a girl. And there is even quite a bit of history thrown in. Unfortunately I do not have a young girl with which to share this lovely series, but I would recommend it to all of you who do.

Find out more about Rachael Phillips and all of her books at:

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Calling Russian ladies - a guest blog from Fergus

Calling Russian Ladies

If you ask anyone in the West who is the most famous Russian of all time most will say Anastasia.  Some will say Stalin, some Lenin, some Rasputin, some Putin.  Most will say Anastasia.

Anastasia is part of the heritage of Russia.  Your heritage.

John Ford, the famous film producer, used to say "tell the legend" and it is the legend we tell.

Anastasia deals with the very few problems individual countries cannot deal with.  No country wants International Trials going on for years.  They want quick justice as dispensed by Anastasia.

Who is Anastasia?  She is a double great, great grandchild of Queen Victoria.  What do we mean by Royal Blood in 2012?  We mean descended from Queen Victoria.  No other definition will do.

Anastasia suffers from haemophilia.  She is an inspitation to all fellow sufferers.  She tries to live a normal life but would you call hanging from the skids of an Apache attack helicopter over the mid Atlnatic Ocean 'normal'?  it is the stuff that legends are made of.  It is what films are made of .

Her friend Charlotte has taken over merchandising of the Anastasia Lingerie and Cosmetics.  Anastasia is an International brand.  She is the world's leading celebrity and the kindest person you could meet where poor folk are concerned but is absolutely ruthless in suppressing those who really need to be suppressed.

Anastasia is the absolute Monarch of the Northern and Southern hemispheres.  She is the Monarch in Waiting of the USA and Russia but will not rule in Britain or the British Empire.

Is she a bit of a tomboy?  Only when on active service.  Otherwise she is very much a cultured lady.  Yes, she rides motorbikes in the style of Steve McQueen, she jumps out of an aircraft, she runs along the gables of tall houses, she trains with all the special services of Russia, England and the USA.

When on duty she is a slim, sleek, teenage girl with a ponytail.  She dresses that way as she can't flick her long hair back when holding a gun in her sights.  She can't say 'hold on guys I have to put my makeup on'!

After the event she is very much the Empress, not just of one Russian state of former states of the USSR but of all the Russias.  She will become Queen of the USA in the fullness of time as John Windsor has no children.

What I need to raise with Russian, British and American ladies today is the utter tragedy of the modern world of the suppressing of female babies, the theft of babies, particularly in the Iberian Peninsular, and the trafficking of young girls for arranged marriages.  Anastasia is the focus of the world on this most terrible practice.

Such people are trafficked for profit.  No one steals babies unless there is a market for them.  They are traded like a commodity or product but are stolen because there is a market out there.

If you support Anastasia then please so indicate in your social networking by telling all your friends and contacts.  Anastasia specifically campaigns against forced marriages (known as arranged marriages), infanticide in overpopulated countries, and the kidnapping of infants for sale, and of the trafficking of girls for the sex trade.

The laws of all countries must be coordinated to form one universal law - Anastasia's Law.

Fergus Wilson

Join Anastasia - she's free for a few days

Go on, make a date with this young heroine.  Get to know her at the beginning of her journey for free!  Yes for the next four days 'Anastasia Series I Omnibus' is free 14th to 17th July. 

It's exciting having a series of all 8 short stories from Anastasia Series I in one ebook and makes me realise just how far we've both come so I decided I would share it for free for a few days.

So no excuses!  Anastasia is dealing with huge issues and even bigger people in Series III so take some time out and follow her journey from the very beginning.  You don't need to be a child to read these stories as I am certain they will appeal to everyone.  You don't need a Kindle as you can get a Kindle reader for your pc, iphone, etc in the Kindle store.  It's too easy isn't it?

I hope you love the stories as much as I love writing them and if you do then please leave a review on Amazon.  Anastasia would love to hear there are those appreciating her hard work as a young detective!

Loving the journey :)

Anastasia Series I Omnibus is available here:

UK www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B008KMEHPY
US www.amazon.com/dp/B008KMEHPY
Germany www.amazon.de/dp/B008KMEHPY
France www.amazon.fr/dp/B008KMEHPY
Spain www.amazon.es/dp/B008KMEHPY
Italy www.amazon.it/dp/B008KMEHPY

Friday, 13 July 2012

Anastasia's latest venture

Well Anastasia is still suffering with haemophilia however this will not stop her from solving the world's problems; trust me - she's got a great team behind her.

She would be so pleased she has so many people following her journey so I decided to make it even easier for everyone to meet Anastasia, if they haven't already, by creating a magical omnibus edition of Series I! 

It is available now on Amazon and has all eight short stories from Series I in one ebook.  'Anastasia Series I Omnibus' introduces Anastasia at the beginning when she stays at Boughton Lodge and rides her horses.  Learn how this daydreaming girl becomes a young detective and meets some very interesting characters along the way!

There's no stopping this young detective as she gallops her way to: saving lost ponies; cracking crimes against animals and people; and always saving the day while discovering there is much more to her than she ever thought possible.

Why not take a look and get Series I in one sitting.  I hope you enjoy reading about Anastasia as much as am I loving writing about her.  Loving the journey.

www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B008KMEHPY UK
www.amazon.com/dp/B008KMEHPY US
www.amazon.de/dp/B008KMEHPY etc.

I am still working on the next story in Series III, Anastasia None But the Brave, which will hopefully be available soon.  Learn about the American Royal Family and exactly what the teenage detective can do to assist Three Wise Men.  Watch out crime world - there's a new heroine on the block.

The journey has begun...

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Grave news... another guest blog from Fergus

"It is with much regret that we announce that Anastasia Romanov is dangerously ill once more from haemophilia.

Anastasia is the young teenager every teenager aspires to be, every parent would wish to have as a daughter, and a teenager who has done so much for the causes of: trafficked, unwanted babies; arranged marriages; and for victims of the White Slave Trade.

She was last seen perilously hanging off the skids of a helicopter to be flown to an Aircraft Carrier but the price she paid for saving all the young girls and babies was approaching the ultimate price as she lays at death's door.

I find the story of Anastasia so interesting that I cannot put the books down and I know what is going to happen.

I find the story so sad.  You American ladies and teenage girls will need an awful lot of tissues.  If you are prone to crying then believe me you will be crying at the end of each book.

Rachael Phillips has created the best adventure story every.  Her heroine is one all young girls can associate with.  However, this is for older girls and boys and those right up to the age of 105 years."

Fergus Wilson

Friday, 6 July 2012

Queen Victoria and the American Royal Family

"The question so often raised is what is the relationship between Queen Victoria who died in 1901 and the American Royal Family?

Victoria was the progenitor of the Royal Houses of Europe.  It is her bloodline that is Dominate.  Prince Charles Edward was her grandson as was Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany and King George V of Great Britain.

The next generation was perhaps the one we know best - great grandchildren of Queen Victoria.  They were: King Edward VIII (the one that married Wallace Simpson), Lord Dickie Mountbatten and King George VI-the father of the present Queen of England, Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth II is a great, great, granddaughter of Queen Victoria.  Prince Philip is a great, great grandson of Queen Victoria, hence their eldest son, Prince Charles is a great, great, great grandson twice over.

However, John Windsor, the rightful King of America, is a generation closer and was a great, great grandson of Victoria twice over.  He was not a haemophiliac but his sister, Anastasia, was.  The best account is to be found in 'Anastasia - None But the Brave'.

Read it up on Rachael Phillips' blog.

The name John Windsor was named after Prince John.  He was born in 1905 and died in 1919 of haemophilia but it is recorded as epilepsy.  At the time Prince John was born his grandfather, King Edward VII, was King following the death of his mother, Queen Victoria, in 1901.  His brother, Leopold, died of haemophilia as did Edward's eldest son also called Edward.  His brother was King George V who had five sons including the haemophiliac John.

These two sons were King Edward VIII and King George VI who died of lung cancer in 1952.  King Edward VIII was the father of John Windsor and Anastasia.  Both their parents were great grandchildren of Queen Victoria.

Before the First World War George V was head of the House of Saxe-Coburg Gotha but he changed it to Windsor when war came.  Dickie Mountbatten was a Battenburg but when war came he was called Mountbatten.  He was killed by the IRA in 1979 and his was the last state funeral held in Britain following Winston Churchill's in 1965.

Now, who was Queen Mary?  Queen Mary of Teck was never the Queen Mother but the King Mother of two Kings: the brothers Edward and George.  She was German.  That is why King Edward VIII spoke fluent German.  She had been engaged to the haemophiliac Prince Edward (the son of Edward VII) and then was engaged to his brother later, King George.

A question often asked was 'did the children of the Kaiser, the Tsar and George V ever meet?'  The answer is yes, at Sandringham before the First World War when Prince John and Alexei were included.  Both were haemophiliacs as were other descendants of Queen Victoria throughout Europe.

Haemophilia is often called Victoria's curse or Victoria's disease.  Those with it were usually kept out of sight and out of mind.

Who was Fergus Bowes Lyon?  He was the uncle of Queen Elizabeth II and the brother of Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, Queen Consort of George VI, 1936 to 1952, and Queen Mother, 1952 to 2001.  She was born 1900 and died at 101 years old.  Queen Victoria was on the thrown 1837 to 1901.

Fergus Bowes Lyon was a famous soldier being a Captain in the famous Scottish Regiment the Black Watch.  He was killed at the Battle of Loos in 1915 and his mother never recovered from his death.  Like so many in that terrible War he has no grave as his body was never recovered.  He was blown to pieces by a bomb(shell).

When she married at Westminster Abbey in 1923 Elizabeth placed her marriage bouquet on the grave of the Unknown Soldier."

Fergus Wilson

Read more about the American Royal Family in 'Anastasia and the Three Wise Men' and, coming soon, 'Anastasia - None But the Brave.'  www.tinyurl.com/7pgubvz UK www.tinyurl.com/bwu7rtz US/.com

American Royal Family - Message from Fergus

From Fergus:

"Rachael Phillips has excelled herself by giving out long hidden information of the American Royal Family.

Learn how the real King of the United States of America was raised in Nebraska and Kansas City by German American adoptive parents in 1942 and how the American Government kept it secret for seventy years.  The secret is now out.

Rachael Phillips tells all in 'Anastasia and the Three Wise Men' currently available on Amazon and 'Anastasia - None But the Brave' coming soon.

Read how the American Government kept quiet because of the War with Germany and how John Windsor fought in Vietnam in the Green Berets.

If you are an American who considers yourself a royalist then these are the books for you.

Rachael Phillips, what have you done?  It is wonderful.  My mailbag overflows with letters from American ladies eager to know more of John Windsor.

Please, please, Rachael, tell us more!  I cannot wait for 'Anastasia - None But the Brave'.

America now has a King!  Great stuff - thank God!

If you ever wondered why no Royal Family had settled in America you now know."

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Laying yourself bare

No this post is not related to the increased interest in erotic fiction! Sorry to disappoint ;)
I have just finished Anastasia and the Three Wise Men and feel a huge sense of achievement because it is story 23. Anastasia Romanov has come a long, long way since she first began her adventures at Boughton Lodge while out riding her horses. I am sometimes overwhelmed at how my own life has changed in the last 6 months. It is amazing when you think last December I was trying to find some work to do from home and now I am a self published writer.

This next story, which is the 3rd in Series III, introduces the more mature, teenage Anastasia and, my, how her adventures have matured too! She is now armed and extremely dangerous. She will take no prisoners and if anyone gets on her wrong side then they had better move fast! She is on a mission to right the wrongs that exist in our world today. There are some bad people out there and Anastasia is doing her best to rid the world of them.

In this story we learn of a secret that has been hidden away for seventy years - America does have its own Royal Family - I know I was shocked too when I discovered it! Anastasia is called in to help three, very powerful men who know that she, as the imminent Empress of all the Russias, is the one to help them bring back stability and rid their countries of the most controversial criminal activity. She is soon to be the most powerful woman in the world and it is clear that the rest of the world are learning to keep her on side. Why is Anastasia so successful in her chosen career as a Private Detective? Well, it's obvious isn't it? It's because she has people on her side who support, protect and do all they can to help her and without them she would surely be less able to succeed.

What I have come to realise, from a personal perspective, is that there is something about announcing to everyone you know that you are 'a writer'. You are 'laying yourself bare', through your stories, for all to see and judge and disapprove of and dismiss and embrace and hate and love and, hopefully, enjoy. I embrace any reaction as long as people read my stories. I would support anyone who had the guts to 'lay themselves bare'. I appreciate the support I have had from those I care about - and also from those that I haven't even met yet!

I guess what I am trying to say is that it is so important to have the support of your family and friends when you embark on such a display of your abilities as a writer. I am intrigued to know who my readers are and whoever you all are, because I certainly don't know you all personally, I thank each and every one of you for at least taking a look.

Anastasia suffers badly with haemophilia so she needs all the support she can get. She is proof that with determination and people behind you anyone can be a success. Thank you, Highness. :)

Sunday, 1 July 2012

A long few days

I am back from visiting my Dad in hospital.  It's hard being miles away from a loved one when they are ill.  My Dad managed to puncture his lung a few months ago and he thinks he did it falling out of a tree.  You see my Dad is a jack of all trades and likes to do things himself so when he decided to remove a tree from his garden naturally he was going to do it himself.  He climbed said tree and proceeded to fall out of it.  Thinking nothing of a knock he continued with the job and chopped down the tree.  A few months later he ended up at the hospital where a chest xray discovered a lot of fluid on his lung.  So the puncture was discovered however the hole was tricky to track down.  Drains and two ops later and he's no better so he's facing a major op which is a scary prospect but very much needed if he is to have any quality of life.  His latest op resulted in 3 1/2 litres of fluid being drained - it's no wonder he was breathless carrying that amount of fluid around and only having one fully functioning lung.

Fingers crossed he's sorted soon so he can get back to normal however hopefully he'll realise that at 72 years old he should be more selective about the activities he chooses to do!  He's very fit for his age so I'm hopeful things will work out well. 

I am continuing to write and it is helping me to not spend all my time worrying about Dad. 

Anastasia is also very poorly as she suffers badly with haemophilia.  'Anastasia Romanov - Private Detective' found her seriously ill and in hospital which resonates for obvious reasons.  It has started to feel that my stories are coming to life with my father being ill now and also when Amy was ill on holiday.  It does give a new dimension to my writing having first hand experience of waiting and worrying about a loved one.

The recent free ebook promotions are now finished.  The free ebooks were: 'Anastasia and the Pony Smugglers'; 'Anastasia and the Puppy Farm'; Anastasia and the Curse of the Romanov's'; and 'Anastasia and the Yellow Riband'.  I chose two from Series I, one from Series II and the first book from Series III, the latter being aimed at the teen or young adult market.  I look forward to hearing what people thought of the stories and it would be great to read reviews.  If you enjoyed the stories then please share by posting a review :)

I am currently working on 'Anastasia and the Three Wise Men' which is very exciting especially as in this book a discovery is made!  America does have a Royal Family which has been kept from public knowledge for seventy years but the truth will out very soon.  There are some world famous people in this next story and it would be interesting to find out what they make of the story once it is published. 

So while it feels like fiction is becoming reality lately I am looking forward to sharing one of the biggest cover ups if all time with you all.  Watch out Mr Obama - there may be a new King in town! 

Here's to my Dad and Anastasia making full recoveries so their journeys can continue.  Watch out world...