It has been a while since I last added a post and I will attempt to recall what I have been doing for the last few months! It is great to see my blog receiving regular views despite the lack of input on my part! It's been a busy few months...
I started a new part time job earlier this year, at a different local school, still invigilating exams. The work is seasonal so I work for a few weeks then have a few months off in between. It is a stressful time for students when they come to sit their final exams. I truly hope they all achieve what they set out to. It's a privilege to witness such a crucial time in their lives. The rest of the exams team are lovely and this job is working well alongside my main role as mum of two young children.
I have also begun volunteering for a local charity called
Bromley Brighter Beginnings (BBB). I was inspired to join their amazing team since following their Facebook page and seeing the great work this charity does. It is fantastic to see how they help local families, often in dire need. They help tens of families per month, who are referred to them via health visitors, social workers, midwives and other local agencies, and provide them with things many of us take for granted: baby clothing; baby supplies; moses baskets and cots; pushchairs; crucial personal items a mum needs after giving birth; and much, much more. If you are in the Bromley area and want to help or wish to help with a donation it would be much appreciated. Here is the link to the Facebook page where you can check out current appeals: Why not become a supporter and join the Facebook page? Even the smallest donations help enormously. The website is here: The difference being made to families in need is extraordinary and the supporters who donate so readily are wonderful; every one is appreciated.
I have also been busy with my beautiful girls. Ella received an amazing school report and Amy achieved her ASA Level 3 in swimming with Flippers Swim School. Amy starts school in September! We went along to her introductory session recently and it was lovely to finally find out who her teacher will be and which of her friends from preschool will be in her class. Ella is very pleased with her teacher for next term; a sporty man with a whistle permanently hanging from his neck. Ella said he is fun and she is looking forward to next term, which is all that matters really. It has been an amazing journey being a full time mum and I have to come to terms with the end of Amy's preschool journey and the beginning of her journey into full time education, while Ella joins upper school/juniors. Both girls are very excited and I am feeling a tad emotional these days as it is all change. No more spending a lot of time with my youngest; it will take some getting used to...
Otherwise, I have finally got round to adding the final book in the
Things with... series:
Things with Eyes.
This is the fourth book in the series and the final one, unless I write more. Des Campbell has done yet another fabulous job of illustrating my thoughts and ideas. If you aren't familiar with this series, they are illustrated rhyming books with facts about lots of different things, creatures, animals, objects and more. The books are a lovely way to engage a child in the world around us. I received a fantastic review for
Things with Wheels and wanted to share:
5 out of 5 stars For every parent who has a preschooler through a 2nd ...
For every parent who has a preschooler through a 2nd year student of elementary school, this book is a MUST HAVE for your home library. I home school and use a guided reading series, and we worked this into our repertoire."
This review is from and it is great to see that one of my books is helping children to learn about a variety of things with wheels to promote their wider learning.
Things with Eyes is my 46th book! I can't believe how much I have written since my journey began 3 1/2 years ago. I have also written numerous poems, some for commissions. I don't think some understood how I could write so much, however so much has changed in the time since my journey began and it is the emotional journeys in life that spurred my writing on, and probably kept me going...
Well, it is almost time for the schools to break up for the long summer holidays so I shall be busy being a full time mum and hopefully making memories for my girls to cherish. Don't forget to load up your tablets, Kindles, smart phones and other e-reading devices with books to keep your children amused in a positive way during long journeys.
Feel free to comment on how you intend to spend the summer holidays, I may well be looking for inspiration! Here's to a summer of fun, sunny days, happiness, good health and memories to cherish!
My next journey has begun...
Things with Eyes is available now in eBook format: