Tuesday, 21 January 2014

2014: well hello there!

A delayed Happy 2014!  We have said farewell to 2013 and I have been racking my brains to try to remember how I spent those 365 days!  It all seems a bit of a blur...

2013 for me was a period of adjustment and acceptance.  Adjusting to life without Dad and accepting he is no longer physically with us.  It is hard to believe Dad was gone a year on 19th December 2013.  We had all those first milestones since Dad's death to contend with and I am assured each special date will become easier to bear.  I truly hope so and will have to take others' words for it...

2013 was the year I turned 40.  Another thing to adjust to.  Turning 40 definitely had an effect on me!  That, and no longer having my Dad, converged into deep thinking and over analysing.  Thankfully I have accepted my new, middle age and am embracing it.  Yes, I know, I am still young, blah, blah, blah... but sometimes it takes certain things to become defining moments and it certainly doesn't hurt to stand back and take a good look at yourself so long as you don't overdo it!

So what did I discover?  I overanalyse.  I worry about things too much.  I worry, far too much, about what others think of me.  I am a day dreamer.  I complain too much.  The list was growing until I realised that all the negative, self focus was doing me no favours whatsoever!  I began to look at the more positive traits I possess (there are some honestly!) and realised this is something I need to do more often.  I spend so much time worrying about my family, others, and numerous, other, insignificant things, that I often overlook someone very important... me!  Yes I am important and realising this has made me feel much more focused on doing positive things with a more positive outlook.   

I am determined to embrace 2014 and use the convenient timing of a New Year to kick myself up the rear and stop messing about dwelling on things I cannot change.  I am determined to spend time on those that lift me and bring out the best in me because sadly often the issue with how you feel is the effect of those around you...

I'll share some of my positives from 2013.  Writing eight Larry the Liger stories and self publishing them on Amazon with some great reviews received.  Being invited to a local school to hold an Assembly all about Larry the Liger.  Watching my youngest start preschool and take to it like a dream :).  Watching my eldest daughter go into Year 1 and thrive under the pressure of proper school work :) - hard for children of this age as Reception is still a little like preschool and Year 1 is a bit of a shock for them I feel.  Spending more, quality time with my family as we never get this time back.  Performing in New Wickham Court Players' spring production of 'Small's Talk' and the panto 'Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood'.  Admiring my mum for getting out and about as a new widow and learning to make choices alone (she made some really good ones I might add).  Spending some quality time with my mum and catching up with family at Christmas time - so valuable and lovely.  There have probably been many more positive things but at this moment they are tucked away in my memory for me to say, 'oh, yes, that happened!' just after I publish this blog!

So how has my 2014 been so far?  I have been working on the final Larry the Liger story, number 10 in the Series.  I began this story a while ago but ended up writing the Winter Surprise as I couldn't seem to finish it.  With fresh eyes and a rested brain the words are flowing once more and I am very excited about the final story.  Each story can be read independently of the others but there are recurring characters which make the entire series lovely to read too. 

For those who haven't met Larry the Liger: his father was a lion, his mother was a tiger!  His adventures begin when he is abandoned outside Prague Zoo.  With great reviews I can safely recommend these stories to you all.  They are short, chapter books so will appeal to independent readers but are equally lovely as read-to stories, for younger children, too.

I really cannot wait to share the final Larry the Liger story with you all and thank everyone who has read the stories so far.  I hope you enjoy the final story as much as the other nine.  It will be available for download very soon.

So here's to a positive 2014!  May your year be filled with happy moments, wonderful memories and lots and lots of time to read.  Larry's journey is almost complete...

UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=larry%20the%20liger%20
US http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=larry%20the%20liger%20
and all other Amazon territories.