Monday, 26 November 2012

Fergus responds... to a reader. Plus recent 5 star reviews..

Fergus' response to a recent communication from an Anastasia fan:

"Hannah from Ohio writes to ask where all the ideas come from and to say how much she enjoyed Anastasia-The Epic, the last story of Series III and why did it stop there?

Well it has not stopped but has taken a different direction as you will see in the first book of Series IV.

I think I am right, Hannah, in saying you are of the Amish faith and speak Pennsylvania Dutch which is really old German!

She asks of Joe and John, and whether they return to live out their days with German speakers in Kansas.  Well you will have to read Series IV.

Hannah also asks about Laszlo and Zoltan and says there was no mention at the end of The Epic.  I am sorry to report they were MIA (Missing in Action).  We are hopeful they will surface once more.

Why did it stop after The Epic?  Well to me Anastasia was very real.  I used to live every moment of it but it was emotionally draining.  What this young girl was achieving was mind blowing.  She stops baby trafficking and lady trafficking and enlists the combined services of the major powers.

You ask about the cyanide capsule.  You know your stuff Hannah.  Yes, Anastasia would have carried a cyanide pill to avoid capture and torture.  However, thankfully she is back for Series IV."

A recent review for Anastasia and the Yellow Riband which is the first story in Series III:
"5 out of 5 stars A role model for teenage girls.  
This review is from: Anastasia and the Yellow Riband (Anastasia Series III) (Kindle Edition)
Anastasia and the Yellow Riband by Rachael Phillips and Fergus Wilson does what every teenager wants ... turns ambitious dreams into reality. Most 15-year-old boys want to be James Bond ... licensed to kill. Every fifteen-year-old girl is full of dreams, and in Anastasia Romanov, despite the problems created by haemophilia, Rachael and Fergus have created a brave, dynamic, confident and effective 15-year-old who takes on the world and wins. In this episode, which opens the third series, she tackles human traffickers. They are no match for our heroine. Well worth a read for young adults looking for a commanding role model."
A recent review for Anastasia Series I Omnibus:
"5.0 out of 5 stars. A great read for children.
I have just finished reading this series with my niece and we both really enjoyed the whole series. Anastasia along with her friend take their horses and go on lots of different crime busting adventures. Each story Anastasia rides a different horse with its own character and preferences to jumping, galloping etc.
I have now purchased series two and my niece is looking forward to seeing more adventures of Anastasia."
A recent review for Anastasia Series II Omnibus
"5 out of 5 stars A series that all girls will love reading.
I really enjoyed reading this series with my niece who has a new found love for horses and a continued love for adventure. This book is fun to read and really has increased my niece's thirst for knowledge where horses are concerned. Looking forward to reading the next series."
Excellent reviews and so nice to receive questions from readers about Anastasia.  Please leave a review if you have read any of the stories.  Series IV is coming soon.  The journey continues... 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Some ramblings...

Preparations for the pantomime, Aladdin, are going well and the set is coming along nicely.  I can't wait to see it all up and in place.  My costumes, for the role of Princess Belrubador, are lovely, thanks to the wonderful women helping with wardrobe.  Amazing job!  Julie is doing a fine job directing and the cast are superb so I'm hopeful for a resounding success (at least I hope so because I have sold quite a few tickets!)

It's very special as it's the first panto I've been in.  I have done musicals and a play but never panto.  Rehearsals have impressed me and properly tickled me.  I can't wait to hear the children's responses to it all when they watch from the audience: 'Behind you!' etc.  Ella is very excited about going to watch her mummy in Aladdin.  I just hope she doesn't wonder why another man is flinging me over his arm and kissing me!  I'll try to prepare her before she goes!

It is also a very emotional time as my parents are coming, along with both my sisters, their partners and my older sister's three children.  Having my Dad there is very important for obvious reasons.  I can't help but wonder if it will be the last visit Dad makes to stay with us but I am thankful he is coming as I had also wondered if he ever would again.  My younger sister is driving my parents here, which is great, and they will all stay the night so it's a great opportunity to spend time with them all and have them close. 

I do have one worry about this panto.  I worry I may lose it and get emotional.  'But pantos are funny!' I hear you cry.  Yes, they are, and this one is especially so, but at one point we all sing together and there's a line that is liable to reduce me to tears for the performance my parents are attending.  You see I'll know they are sat watching even if lighting means I can't see them.  It's a very poignant line and it's amazing how songs suddenly hold so much more meaning when life and events takes a turn...   

'Through the years we all will be together, if the fates allow...'  I'm sure most of you will recognise the line; it happens to be one of my most favourite Christmas songs.

We will be spending Christmas day at home, just the four of us, and will spend boxing day with family.  This Christmas is very important and I know we will all make sure we all will be together.  We may even hang a shining star up on the highest bough!

Whatever happens I'm going to make the most of every moment and every opportunity to spend time with loved ones over the coming weeks because, hey, you just never know do you?

Rambling over - the weather's coming in thick and fast.  Wind, rain and dark clouds in abundance.  It's going to be a great school run!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Progression and a gift

Hi it's been a while again however I have been very busy writing and rehearsing for pantomime, Aladdin.  It's been great fun and wish I could watch the show myself!  Ella is settling well into school and has lots of friends.  Ridiculous numbers of party invitations so her social life is sorted for the next few weekends!  She also has two boyfriends and another fiance so has achieved quite a lot since September!  She is enjoying it which is the main thing at this stage. 

I have been finding more time to write and finally finished the final story in Series III: Anastasia - The Epic which, at 17,000 words, is a novella really and the longest Anastasia story to date.  I really got into this story as it's her final and biggest mission.  The poor girl needs a rest after this one and she begins to plan her future in her mind.  When her brother asks for her help in one last mission she can't say no, especially not now she knows why he is so desperate to help the innocent victims caught up in the world of the drug cartel.  There is a lot of action and also a lot of insight into the world of people trafficking and the importance of family to the teenage Anastasia who is now questioning her place and purpose in the world.  Being a teenager is hard; there's a desperation to be grown up but a desire to have fun.  Anastasia's going to have some new adventures in Series IV which will take her in a different direction with Anastasia working on achieving her ambitions.  There will no doubt be some crimes and mysteries to solve along the way as she joins forces once again with her friend Charlotte who she hasn't seen since the beginning of Series III.

I have also created a Series III Omnibus which contains all nine stories from Series III.  I have dedicated this eBook to my Dad, Jack.  It means a lot that it is dedicated to him especially because I know he'll enjoy the stories which feature planned military ops and plenty of action for those that enjoy reading about the world of crimes and justice prevailing.  This book will be free from 17th to 21st November as my gift to you all to say thank you for all the support with the books and other things.  Please download and have a read.  It's great to imagine a teenage girl taking on the crime world and it's excellent escapism.  Please leave a review if you like or at least click on the 'like' button on Amazon for the book.  The links for each territory are listed below.

I met with Fergus this week and a lady called Christine from a website company.  She is going to build a website for the Anastasia books.  It's exciting to imagine a website just for Anastasia and hopefully it will help her reach more people around the world.  The website should be ready in the New Year hopefully.  I look forward to bringing you news about that.  It's great to have some positive things to focus on.

Fergus has also asked me to write some more stories about an animal which will be read aloud books for children of all ages.  I am really looking forward to writing these and test stories on Ella have gone down well.  Watching her face as she listens in amazement and then asks me lots of questions about the character is great to see.  More details will be released in the near future.  If any of you have young children who love to draw animals then keep an eye on my blog and facebook page ( as I will be looking for lots of pictures for the stories.  I may even have a little competition to select winners whose drawings will appear on the covers of the books.

There's lots going on at the moment and plenty to keep me very busy which is great.  It seems Anastasia's journey is continuing and a new chapter is beginning.  We have a lot in common ;)

Happy reading and please spread the word.  Amazon has recently arrived in India and Japan so welcome to new Amazon territories.  I hope you all enjoy the books.  The journey has begun...

Anastasia Series III Omnibus: UK US and India Germany Spain
www, France Italy Japan